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Toy Soldier Collector King & Country - WWII Motorcycle Combo & WWI Tank

King & Country - WWII Motorcycle Combo & WWI Tank

Review taken from 'New Releases Part 2'

As I’m sure I’ve said many times before King & Country are known for many ranges but by far its most famous is its WWII collection. Since establishing a firm grip on the hobby back in the mid 1990s K&C has continued to dominate the WWII genre with high quality figures and vehicles. Under its WWII banner it currently has 12 sub-ranges including the Afrika Corps, Battle of the Bulge, and the range that this new model comes from, Fields of Battle.

FOB focuses on the events of May 1940 as the British prepare to pull back to the ill fated Dunkirk, and includes a varied selection of French, British and German figures and vehicles, the latest of which is this lovely French motorcycle combination (FoB45). Titled, somewhat unimaginatively for K&C, French Motorcycle Combo the set features two French 'Poilus' taking a rest in between delivering important despatches. The figures are to K&Cs usual exceptional standards with neatly achieved painting and subtle folds in their clothing. The combo is also well down and neatly painted although I’d personally like to see some mud splashed all over it as I can’t imagine there were many motorcycles careering around at this time looking this clean! Expect to pay £107.61/$109.00.

Travelling back in time from WWII we come to K&C’s depiction of the Great War, a range which started around 18 months ago with the introduction of Kaiser Wilhelm II and some of his troops. Since then K&C have added some German cavalry, a German armoured car and some of the King’s Own Scottish Borderers to balance out the conflict. Coming shortly will some nicely detailed British, including an officer who reminds me of Rowan Atkinson in Black Adder Goes Forth, as well as the British Mk.IV Heavy Tank. This tank (FW049) and the infantry are desperately needed, as currently the poor old KOSB are fighting a losing battle against German infantry, cavalry and an armoured car! This particular tank has been produced by so many companies over the years, but that aside it is good to see K&C doing its own version and one which fits neatly within its range.

Priced at £112.50/$115.00 it is a reasonably affordable piece of mechanised history, and one which will look good in any WWI display, and I’m sure the nearly beaten KOSB will be welcoming its arrival in cabinets around the world!

Date Published Thu, 03/26/2009 - 16:53
Author: Andy Whittaker

For the UK & Europe:
King & Country UK
Unit 17, Enterprise City,
Meadowfield Avenue,
Green Lane Industrial Estate,
County Durham.
DL16 6JF

Tel: 01388 818882

For the rest of the World:
King & Country
Rm 2301
No. 3 Lockhart Road
Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2861 3450


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