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Toy Soldier Collector 21st Century Toys - WWII Chinese Infantry

21st Century Toys - WWII Chinese Infantry

Review taken from 'Fantastic Plastics'

Another first in plastic from 21st Century, and no that is not a misprint in the heading – these really are WWII Chinese! Figarti did some in metal when they first started and it’s no secret that they did not sell like hot cakes. So, brave of 21st Century to try the same line in plastic, and good luck to them. I know one collector/wargamer, Leslie Beilby Tipping, who will be delighted, as it will save him having to convert quite so many figures for his WWII Chinese army.

The point is though that the Chinese are fully entitled to display space in any comprehensive World War II collection. They fought the Japanese for six years before becoming one of the Free World Allies. Of all the Allied soldiers who fought in WWII, they are the least understood or appreciated by the Western World. When Japan launched her Great Offensive in 1941, Britain found herself with a new ally, China. All that Britain and China had in common was a mutual enemy, the Empire of Japan. By coincidence, Burma was to be the scene of China's first major victory outside her borders since the Battle of Ava (Burma) in 1769. Crucially, Chiang Kai-shek's refusal to sign a separate peace kept a million and a half veteran Japanese soldiers on the mainland. Their redeployment in the Pacific would have made an incalculable difference. That act alone entitles the Chinese to honours the West has never really given them.

For military miniature enthusiasts who are interested in World War II but are bored with the usual, the Chinese would make an interesting change. Previously the only option to obtain Chinese troops was conversion, but these new sets from 21st Century have changed all that. As always there are six figures in two sets of three each. A good mix of poses too, and authentic touches like the swords with distinctive red streamers carried on some backs, and the traditional Chinese black and white footwear. Weapons are just rifles and potato masher grenades, one of the latter being thrown, and an officer observing the enemy through field glasses. This leaves them a little light in terms of support weapons, and if 21st Century do not add to these sets, it will be back to converting to obtain them. The figures come ready painted and at £6 a set (plus p&p) are excellent value.

Date Published Thu, 05/29/2008 - 12:11
Author: Mike Blake

21st Century Toys


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