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Toy Soldier Collector Asset Miniatures Flower Seller

Asset Miniatures Flower Seller

Review taken from 'New Releases'

Thanks to Anne Randall for sending us the latest figure in Asset’s WW2 Home Front range. This flower seller with basket and bucket of flowers continues this range’s recent theme of street traders and is a really nice splash of colour in a period associated with grey drabness.

This lady has a really nice stoop of age from the waist upwards, grey hair tied in a bun at the back and the flowers in her bonnet complement those of the bunch in her left hand. The single tulip stem in her right hand is a particularly fine piece of casting and is well-scaled and delicate. (Horticulture is not my strong point but I think daffodils, violets and carnations are featured too).

This is a continuing range of dignity and purpose and it’s a constant thrill to see that thoughtful and knowledgeable ideas keep coming. Sculpted by Alan Caton, the flower seller stands at 54mm and is £9.50 painted in gloss as shown and £5 for a set of castings. To bulk out her stall a bit it would be worth buying an extra bucket and basket.

Coming next will be a market stall butcher or fishmonger - which will demonstrate the blurred line between who sold what in times of shortages and where ‘off-ration’ foods like sausages and fish like whalemeat appeared side by side ... and patient customers queued around the block and back again to get some.

Date Published Sat, 12/01/2007 - 11:58
Author: Rob Hendrie

Asset Miniatures
12 Norwood Drive
North Harrow

Tel: 0208 8680422


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