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Toy Soldier Collector Consuming Issues
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Consuming Issues

A chance for readers to air their views on the magazine, and the hobby as a whole

Publish and be damned

I just thought I would respond to your ‘Final Word’ comments in the February/March edition of Toy Soldier Collector.

I agree 100% with you that you should not allow the PC brigade to dictate what they feel is acceptable in your magazine. These leftie communist do-gooders are responsible for much of what is wrong in modern British society.

What right have they got to decide what is good history and what is bad? Using their logic Saddam Hussein, The Taliban, Ghengiz Khan, Napoleon and many other people/groups should be banned too. I bet they are not asking for mass murderers like Stalin and items from the Communist regime to be banned as well, are they?

I just wish I had overheard their conversation with the writer at the London Show.

No, you stick to what you want to publish and disregard comments from narrow minded individuals. If your readers were really concerned about the inclusion of Nazi items in your magazine, I am sure they would complain to you.

Publish and be damned.

All the best
Robert Richardson (Royal Artillery)

One scale

I thought other readers might be interested in this large (1:1 scale) model we have made.

Bob Grundy is a well known military vehicle restorer and when he approached me in 2006 I thought he was interested in making a radio controlled model. Having realised that he meant full size I agreed to be the technical advisor.

It took us until late June 2009 to completely finish including painting it up as number 504. It is a ‘runner’ and is based around a crawler tractor (suitably extended). Its public debut was at Tankfest at the Bovington Tank Museum soon after it was completed.

Thank you and best wishes
Mr Max Hundleby
Chorley, Lancashire

The Editor replies:-
Congratulations to Max and Bob for what is certainly an impressive model, although I’m not even sure model is the right word for this, I think possibly replica may suit better!

Athena figures

Some years ago I had a holiday in Corfu and whilst there I discovered a shop selling Evzones produced by a company called ‘Athena’. I bought some and gave them away as the ‘Sentry Box’ sets made good gifts for interested friends.

Recently a set of six Evzones reached an eBay price of £215 (although they were pacifist Evzones as they had no rifles!)

I am rather surprised at the price achieved, good for the seller and good for the buyer who may well have realised a trend before the rest of us! And the reason for my letter, I was just wondering if anybody knows if Athena are still producing figures?

Yours faithfully
Mr Richard Page
Llandrindodwells, Powys

The Editor replies:-
If you have information regarding Athena figures please send it in to the usual TSC office address and we’ll pass it along to Mr Page.


I was disgusted to read the report in last issues ‘Noticeboard’ detailing the fact that US dealer and manufacturer Rick Berry had been sentenced to a prison term for theft from a collector. The victim of the crime may well have been a wealthy Hollywood producer but that still does not give him the right, or any form of justification, for what he did. Trying to save people’s jobs is honourable, but not if it involves stealing from somebody else to do it!

It appears to me that Peter Jackson is obviously a supporter of our hobby, both as a collector (hence Mr Berry being able to gain his card details) and also a manufacturer with his business Wingnut Wings (although primarily planes). Although he was no doubt targeted because of his position, and obvious wealth, it concerns me greatly that any person in our hobby trusted with a collectors card details would do this.

I understand there are always people out there looking to rip you off, you only need to check the eBay listings on a weekly basis to see numerous ‘mint condition’ antique figures that appear to still have wet paint, but what worries me more are events like this. If an established retailer like Mr Berry can do this, it makes me very nervous about giving my credit card to anyone for mail order or web orders in the future.

Mr Berry might be paying his debt to society but I can honestly say I will never buy from his store, or purchase anything from his figure range (a shame as I liked them), we need people like this out of our hobby for good.

Yours sincerely
Mr Bryant Reynolds
Jefferson City, Missouri

Small is beautiful

I just wanted to write and say how pleased I am to see more makers like Scarlet & Gold appearing in the hobby producing smaller scale figures and the fact that TSC is giving them some much need coverage. I have been a collector for 40 plus years and after a lifetime of collecting space is rather limited. With makers now producing good quality smaller scale figures I have realised I can continue to collect without irritating my wife by taking up all available space in our house.

Well done to the companies championing the cause and it would be good to see a few more of the well known makers bringing out some smaller figures for those of us with limited budgets and space.

Yours truly
Mr James White
Dumbarton, West Dumbartonshire

Date Published Sun, 05/22/2011 - 10:13
Author: Various

To have your say on any toy soldier related subject please send all letters marked for the attention of the Editor to:

Toy Soldier Collector
Guideline Publications
Unit 3 Enigma Building
Bilton Road
Denbigh East

Alternatively if you’d prefer to email in your views please send them to:


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