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Toy Soldier Collector Victrix - Napoleonic British Peninsular Infantry Flank Companies
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Victrix - Napoleonic British Peninsular Infantry Flank Companies

Review taken from 'Fantastic Platics'

This is another remarkable event for the hobby, a completely new set of hard plastic multi-pose figures! This British company has been making 28mm wargames figures for this war for quite a while, and as I mentioned in Plastic News in a previous issue, they have now launched out into 54mm. This format of figure has been around for a long time, of course, going back to Historex and Airfix kits, with their dozens of tiny parts, and Helmet, who are still producing, and indeed expanding their range, but it is something of a surprise to see a new player in the market. They are seen by the guys behind the venture, Stephen Hales and Julian Blakeney-Edwards, as a bit of an experiment.

Julian has been fascinated by toy soldiers since the age of seven, he served six years in the Royal Anglian (Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Essex) Regiment, and has been commercially involved in the wargames and miniature world for over 10 years. Steve was also immersed in the toy soldier world in childhood, had a career in animation for TV, film and computer games, and set up Little Big Men Studios to design and manufacture shield and banner transfers. The two met in 2004 and in 2007 launched a range of Hussite figures through a joint venture, Kingmaker Miniatures. They had been discussing for some time the feasibility of a 28mm hard plastic range and both quickly realised that their true joint interest was in the Napoleonic period. Before you could say "at ready" they had decided to pour their hearts and souls (not to mention a very large amount of money) into the launch of a new range of hard plastic 28mm Napoleonics, and so Victrix Limited was born.

These 54mm figures are made from the same master patterns as the 28mm figures, but the pantograph does not reduce the figures by as much as it would if they were 28mm. The company is hoping 54mm collectors, modellers and wargamers will take to the figures, as if they get a good reception and do well, they have plans to produce the other sets they have in 28mm, Highlanders, French Centre Company, French Grenadiers and French Voltigeurs, in quick succession. Victrix really want to make more sets in 54mm, including other sets they are planning in 28mm such as the Imperial Guard in greatcoats, French Dragoons and British artillery. In November they also plan to release an accessories set for the 54mm figures, with heads, packs, extra arms and flags with finials, so each set can be customised further.

These are good, solid, figures at the chunky end of the scale but placing them alongside older multi-pose or solid plastic figures, I think they work OK. They do have real character and endless possibilities for creating unique figures from a sensible number of separate parts. In the box there are parts for 16 complete figures in eight basic poses, retailing at £20, but extras ensure that there is plenty of scope for variation even with the same body. There are even officer and drummer figures (hooray!).

Victrix have put great emphasis on producing figures with real character, seeking to reflect the look and feel of the Napoleonic period. They tell me that a great deal of attention has been placed on sculpting faces, the look of the uniform and the poses. They want their figures to look like soldiers and to ‘scare the living daylights out of their metal opponents’. More than anything they say they want to recreate the pleasure and excitement of collecting miniature figures and perhaps convince the younger generation there is more to this pastime than Elves and Dwarves – a laudable aim indeed. I am sure with these figures, they should achieve it. They certainly deserve to, producing such an excellent first set.

Date Published Wed, 12/02/2009 - 20:02
Author: Mike Blake

Victrix Limited
84 Greenside

Tel: 01539 724415


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